
GS Lantern

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What is Reddit’s Shadowban and How Does it Work?

As one of the most popular social networking and news sharing websites on the internet, Reddit has a lot of power when it comes to what content is seen by its users. If a piece of content is popular on Reddit, it can easily be seen by hundreds of thousands of people. However, Reddit also has the power to prevent content from being seen by its users. This power is called the shadowban.

The shadowban is a ban that is not announced publicly. It is a ban that is instead applied secretly by the administrators of a website or forum. The purpose of a shadowban is to make it difficult or impossible for a banned user to continue using the website or forum.

When a user is shadowbanned, their content will still be visible to them, but it will not be visible to anyone else. This means that if a shadowbanned user posts a comment, it will only be visible to them and no one else. Any other users who try to view the comment will simply see an error message.

The shadowban is an effective way to Ban users without making it obvious to them that they have been banned. It also allows administrators to Ban users without having to delete their content. This is useful if the content is potentially offensive or if the user is spamming the website with advertisements.

  1. There are two main methods that Reddit uses to shadowban users. The first method is called “comment ghosting”. Comment ghosting is when a user’s comments are hidden from other users but are still visible to the user themselves. This makes it appear as though the user’s comments have been deleted, when in reality they have just been hidden.
  2. The second method that Reddit uses to shadowban users is called “link ghosting”. Link ghosting is when a user’s posts are hidden from other users but are still visible to the user themselves. This makes it appear as though the user’s posts have been deleted, when in reality they have just been hidden.

The Shadowban can be applied to individual users or to entire communities (known as subreddits). When the shadowban is applied to an entire community, all of the users in that community will have their content hidden from other users. This includes both comments and posts.

The shadowban is a controversial feature of Reddit. Some people believe that it is an effective way to deal with problem users, while others believe that it goes against the spirit of free speech. Regardless of your opinion on the matter, there is no doubt that the shadowban is a powerful tool that can be used to control what content is seen by Reddit’s users.

The Future of Reddit’s Shadowban

​Computer hardware is constantly evolving, and Reddit’s shadowban system is no different. In the future, we can expect shadowbans to become more sophisticated and effective at curbing bad behavior on the site. Additionally, we may see more use of machine learning to automatically detect and shadowban troublesome users. Overall, the future of shadowbans looks bright, and they will continue to be an important part of keeping Reddit a safe and welcoming place for all.

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