
GS Lantern

Computer Hardware

What’s More Important: Hardware Or Software?

It’s an age-old question: hardware or software? Hardware has all of the components that make your particular device work, and without it, the software wouldn’t be accessible. The better the hardware, the more appealing (in theory) the experience.

On the other hand, we have software. It may not be tangible, but it’s what you interact with the most. It is the software that makes your Mac or PC run, and it is the software that enables you to send emails, write up documents, and engage in just about every other activity on a tech gadget. I assume that, at the end of the day, both hardware and software are important. Both are required for you to perform a task and get done whatever it is you’re working on. And yet, the debate over which is more important — software or hardware — rages on.

One of the more vexing issues in trying to resolve that debate can arise when evaluating Apple. Nearly everyone can agree that Apple has positioned itself as a hardware company that derives the bulk of its cash from its computers, iPhones, and iPads. Without hardware, Apple wouldn’t be Apple. Can you imagine a world where Apple was a Windows vendor? What are the chances of the company, even with its great-looking laptops, being as profitable as it is now? Moreover, what if Apple had decided to run Android or Windows Phone 7 on its iPhone instead of iOS? Would it deliver the same value proposition?

Of course, Apple’s not alone. One of the reasons the Xbox 360 has been able to attract so many customers is its ability to deliver high-quality graphics through its high-powered hardware components. But without the solid software, Xbox Live, and the applications that reach its functionality, the Xbox 360 wouldn’t be so popular. I believe a sound argument can be made that software is much more important than hardware. Regardless of how much firepower you build into a tool or computer, it’ll fall short if the software can’t make the most of it. What’s worse, if the software is poorly designed and, therefore, difficult to use, it doesn’t matter how powerful the device may be — it’ll be tossed out.

At the same time, try reading an old computer or an outdated smartphone and attempting to perform tasks with the latest and greatest software. Notice anything? Yeah, the downright awful experience of trying to get work done on the platform because it requires greater power not found within the respective product.

In most cases within the technology industry, it’s easy to find a winner. From gaming to smartphones to computers, there are very simple ways to see what’s better and what’s worse. But when it comes to the very basis of all technology — hardware, and software — it’s nearly impossible to choose a winner. And almost everyone has a reason their choice is better than the other.

So, let’s open it up to you: what’s more important: hardware or software?

